BMJ Best Practice
最后审阅: 七月 2024
最后更新: 五月 2024





  • 危险因素
  • 既往发生过肾结石
  • 恶心和呕吐
  • 尿频/尿急


  • 脱水
  • 高盐摄入
  • 白人血统
  • 男性



  • 螺旋 CT 平扫(非妊娠成人)
  • 超声检查(孕妇或儿童)
  • 尿液分析
  • 全血细胞计数 (FBC) 和分类计数
更多 首要检查


  • 结石分析
  • 腹部平片 (KUB)
  • 磁共振成像 (MRI)
  • 随机尿胱氨酸测试
更多 需考虑的检查



Assistant Professor

Department of Urology

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center



JA is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Boston Scientific. JA has received a research grant from the US National Institutes of Health to study strategies to reduce recurrence of nephrolithiasis and reduce stent-associated pain.

Associate Program Director

Associate Professor

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center



NM has received a research grant from the US National Institutes of Health to study strategies to reduce recurrence of nephrolithiasis and reduce stent-associated pain.

同行评议者 展开全部内容

Consultant Urologist

Derriford Hospital

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust



AD was Chair of the NICE guidelines committee on renal and ureteric stones: assessment and management, 2017-2019.

Lead Section Editor, BMJ Best Practice

TAO declares that she has no competing interests.

Head of Editorial, BMJ Knowledge Centre

JH declares that she has no competing interests.

Comorbidities Editor, BMJ Best Practice

AS declares that she has no competing interests.

Drug Editor, BMJ Best Practice

AM declares that he has no competing interests.

专家顾问:合并症 展开全部内容

Consultant, Older People's Medicine

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals

NHS Foundation Trust



MP is a contributor to the Oxford Textbook of Otolaryngology, Oxford University Press, 2021, having written a chapter about mental capacity law, for which he received no fee. MP is the NHS representative on the board for Norwich Institute for Healthy Ageing (unpaid role). MP has spoken at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, virtual conference in November 2020 for which he received no fee.

Consultant Renal Physician

Honorary Associate Professor

Nephrology Department

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Head of MBChB

School of Medicine

University of Leeds



AL has been the principal applicant/co-applicant for a number of grants including: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Research - Multiplexed AKI biomarker detection with a single molecule biosensor; Leeds Cares - A novel, non-invasive diagnostic approach to assess kidney transplant health through the targeted measurement of biomarkers of kidney injury and immune response in kidney transplant recipients at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Kidney Research Yorkshire - Use of enhanced technology to characterise haemodialysis treatment for acute kidney injury (AKI); Bringing It Home - Validation of a micro-sampling technique for measuring tacrolimus and creatinine remotely; and to fund a research nurse; British Renal Society - Renal function assessment with point of care creatinine in diverse populations (RAPID), and several NIHR grants including on a) Improving the quality of post-discharge care following AKI b) An investigation into the use of remote blood sample collection to reduce health inequalities in patients with mental health disorders c) A comparison of remote blood collection devices: a human factor use study d) Defining the characteristics for a novel automatic device to monitor urine output in catheterized patients e) Leeds Medtech and In-vitro Diagnostic Cooperative Grant Extension f) Surgical MedTech Co-operative for the 2019/20 proof-of-principle funding stream g) A pilot investigation into the use of beta-trace protein for residual renal function estimation in haemodialysis h) Application of functional MRI to improve assessment of chronic kidney disease (AFiRM study) i) SuperResPath-Renal: Quantitative super-resolution technology for a fast, decentralised clinical diagnosis of renal pathologies. AL is the co-author of a number of manuscripts including on extracorporeal treatments, AKI, kidney function testing prior to contrast-enhanced CT, plasma exchange and glucocorticoids in severe ANCA-associated vasculitis, COVID-19 rapid diagnostics, multimodal image-guided ablation on management of renal cancer in Von-Hippel-Lindau syndrome, and on a summary of NICE guidance on CKD. AL is the author of several book chapters on nephrology and AKI. AL has received expenses for accommodation and travel for conferences at which he has given lectures, other than those delivered virtually. AL was a member of the AKI Scientific Program Committee for the ISN World Congress of Nephrology 2020-2021 and Chair of this same committee in 2021-2022.

Professor of Cardiology

Imperial College London (Royal Brompton Hospital)



MC is chair of the European Society of Cardiology Digital Health Committee and a trustee of the Atrial Fibrillation Society. He has previously been a non-executive director of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. MC provides consultancy advice to AstraZeneca, Servier, Abbott, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, & Genomics PLC. MC declares that none of these interests is directly related to topics advised on for this project.

Associate Professor (Clinical)

University of Leicester

Honorary Consultant Respiratory Physician

Glenfield Hospital



RAE has given lectures for non-promotional industry-led sessions on long COVID and provided consultancy for GSK, AstraZenica, Boehringer, and Chiesi, for individual payment and travel expenses totalling <£4000.

Consultant Physician and Head of Service

Diabetes and Endocrine Centre and the Diabetes Research Unit

Ipswich Hospitals NHS Trust



GR has been paid for advisory board meetings with the following companies: Safoni Aventis, Abbott Diabetes UK, Lilly Diabetes, Bayer. GR has received lecture fees from Safoni Aventis, Abbott Diabetes UK, Lilly Diabetes, Novonordisk, Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Consultant Liaison Neuropsychiatrist

King’s College Hospital

South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer

Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

King’s College London



SP declares that he has no competing interests.

Consultant Geriatrician

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Visiting Professor

University of Cumbria


Honorary Clinical Associate Professor

University of Liverpool



AA has received honorariums for giving lectures on behalf of Profile Pharma in 2021. AA is an expert committee member of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards committee on urinary tract infections in adults and Deputy chair of the British Geriatrics Society England Council and Ageing Specialty Research Lead CRN NWC. AA sits on advisory committees for the following research studies: VOICE2 (development and testing of communication skills training for hospital healthcare practitioners caring for people living with dementia), SWOP (social work in older people) and CFIN (cognitive frailty interdisciplinary network). AA has received research funding from the Liverpool CCG and Applied Research Collaborative. He is contributing to developing a heart failure pathway tool for the British Society for Heart Failure and has been invited to contribute to the European Union Geriatric Medicine conference (free conference registration) and British Society for Heart Failure conference (accommodation and travel expenses covered).

BMJ Best Practice would like to gratefully acknowledge Professor Simon Conroy for his peer review of the dementia comorbidity content.

Simon Conroy, MBChB, FRCP, PhD

Professor of Geriatric Medicine

University of Leicester

Honorary Geriatrician

University Hospitals of Leicester



SC declares that he has no competing interests.

BMJ Best Practice would like to gratefully acknowledge Professor Sanjay Agrawal, National Speciality Advisor for tobacco dependency at NHS England and Chair of Royal College of Physicians tobacco advisory group, for his advice on the comorbidity content for 'current smoker'.

Professor Sanjay Agrawal, MBChB, FRCP

Consultant in Respiratory and Intensive Care Medicine

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust



SA declares that he has no competing interests.

同行评议:合并症 展开全部内容

Consultant Geriatrician

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Visiting Professor

University of Cumbria


Honorary Clinical Associate Professor

University of Liverpool



AA has received honorariums for giving lectures on behalf of Profile Pharma in 2021. AA is an expert committee member of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards committee on urinary tract infections in adults and Deputy chair of the British Geriatrics Society England Council and Ageing Specialty Research Lead CRN NWC. AA sits on advisory committees for the following research studies: VOICE2 (development and testing of communication skills training for hospital healthcare practitioners caring for people living with dementia), SWOP (social work in older people) and CFIN (cognitive frailty interdisciplinary network). AA has received research funding from the Liverpool CCG and Applied Research Collaborative. He is contributing to developing a heart failure pathway tool for the British Society for Heart Failure and has been invited to contribute to the European Union Geriatric Medicine conference (free conference registration) and British Society for Heart Failure conference (accommodation and travel expenses covered).
